In 2015, The DC Center HIV Working Group assembled and distributed more than 90,000 safer sex kits at LGBT bars, clubs, events and spaces. More than 100 people were tested at the Second-Saturday HIV Testing held every month at The DC Center. We also partnered with the HIV Equal campaign for the second year in a row to have an HIV Equal photoshoot at The DC Center during the United States Conference on AIDS. We were also featured in this year's Our Heroes exhibit, which "documents the history of HIV/AIDS from 1983 to 2015 through a collection of over 200 black and white photographs of the people, places, events, and things, that have made a significant change in the fight against HIV/AIDS in Washington DC."
In December, the HIV Working Group, The DC Center, NMAC and HRC put on a World AIDS Day performance of The Infection Monologues, a play about gay men living with HIV. We also partnered with Reel Affirmations for a World AIDS Day screening of the film 'Dessert Migration".
In 2016, you can look forward to the launch of the HIV Working Group's mobile application about Pre-Exposire Prophylaxis (PrEP) in the Spring as well as a collaborative event with HRC and Greg Revenj called "Life After Diagnosis" in February. The HIV Working Group will continue to meet on the fourth Wednesday of every month at 6PM at The DC Center. You can make a donation now to support the work of the DC Center at: